Monday, July 11, 2011

"To All Singaporeans, a Warm Welcome Home..."

So I know I've been slack on my blog, but the past week has been pretty busy so I just haven't had the time to write. However, my emotions are running high right now because I leave Singapore tomorrow and I decided this would be the best time to write this.

I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you to every single Singaporean I met on this trip. Whether it was the dynamic duo that works in Toast@Work or the most amazing host brother the world could ever ask for, every single person I've come in contact with has made this trip an amazing, unique, and honestly life-changing experience. I've learned not only about the culture, but also myself, from everyone around me and there just aren't enough words for me to express my gratitude. Going into this trip, I heard over and over again how amazing it would be and how much fun we we're going to have, but I couldn't in my wildest dreams have imagined how truly awesome and special this trip would be to me. There is not a doubt in my mind that I'll remember and talk about this trip forever.

I just want to take a moment to make a few individual thank yous.

First, Huiqian. Without you this trip would literally be nothing. Who would have dragged us around Singapore for endless hours on the first day, ignoring our pleas for mercy from the sweltering humidity and sun? Who would have kept us in line whenever we missed an activity? Who would have provided all that sass that everyone loves? And most of all, who would have been the most amazing friend who'd go out of her way to do anything for any one of us when we needed it? Thank you so much Huiqian for absolutely everything you've done for us. You've been absolutely amazing. From the beginning of our skype and facebook conversations, I knew we'd be friends. I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to spend my last day in Singapore with. I will really miss you. Again, thank you.

And next, YongMin Ho. Please pardon the 
cliché, but it wasn't chance that brought us together, it was fate. Although you were chosen to be my host brother randomly, I'm so incredibly glad you were. Whether you were teaching me about the Singaporean definition of spastic, how to get the check at dinner, or showing me cool little places throughout Singapore, you taught me so many things about the city and made me fall in love with it. Although your job could have ended that weekend, you continued to keep teaching me and showing me amazing things throughout my stay in Singapore. Thank you. I think you may be the reason I'll miss this city the most and the reason I'll come back. I'm not sure how I'm gonna survive without my little, yellow pound cake. You best be coming back to Chapel Hill in the spring so we can hang out! Again, thank you. 

I would also like to thank Nadiah, the best host sister ever! You also taught me so much that weekend and I really appreciate it. Even though we didn't get to hang out throughout the rest of the trip, it was always a pleasure getting to see your face plastered on the side of the buses I rode or the signs I passed. I can't wait to continue to read the interesting articles you always post on facebook. Again, thank you. 

Last but surely not least is Alexius. I'm so incredibly happy our homestay groups met up that weekend.  We've quickly became friends and I'm definitely gonna miss my partying buddy! I will be back one day and we will go out all the time. XD Furthermore, it's nice to know that I have a friend that I can rely on to identity any tree on the side of any road in Singapore. You're talents will truly be missed. Again, thank you.

Oh, I assume I should also thank the NUS professors. Dr. Quek, Dr. Emmanuel, and Professor Lockheart, you were honestly some of the best teachers I have ever had. Your passion and knowledge about the subjects was amazing and I honestly wish I could have had a full semester with each of you. Again, thank you.

Although I only I had the time to sit here and mention a few, there were so many more people that taught me along my adventure through Singapore. Thank you everyone including Josh, Tim, Hannah, random taxi cab drivers, and Toast@Work people. Short story: When leaving Brunei, not a single one of us said "We're going back to Singapore." For each of us, especially me, it was "We're going home." That's thanks to you. All of you taught us about this city and made it our home for the past several weeks. Just like any home, this will be hard to leave. However, I leave with the knowledge that I will be back some day. No matter what it takes or how I do it, I'll manage to make it back here and see all of you. It's nice to know I've got so many friends in a land so many hours of plane rides away. Again, thank you.

A song to summarize my feelings: