Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well, hopefully if you're reading this blog, you actually know who I am so I can skip the self-introduction. What some of you may not know is the purpose of this blog. I'll be spending the next two months (STARTING TOMORROW!) in Singapore, India, and Brunei studying abroad through the Carolina South East Asian Summer abroad program; the program is an absolutely amazing, completely paid for trip for UNC-CH freshman. I'm so lucky and excited to have this awesome opportunity and can't wait for it to start. While there, I'll be taking two classes- "The South Asian Diaspora in Literature and Film" and "History of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand." Sounds pretty interesting, right?

So, I'm leaving tomorrow. Hm... how do I feel you ask? Everyone keeps asking me and I respond with the general "Nervous, but excited" remark, but honestly it hasn't quite hit me yet. I'm not sure when it will... maybe not even till I get there. Idk. However, I am little bit nervous. We've had a lot of registration stuff to do for VISAs and passes and whatnot so I'm realllllllly hoping I didn't forget/am not forgetting anything. But I guess we'll see in a couple of days when they decide to let me into the country or not!

Well, that's all I got for now! I'm gonna try my hardest to keep this up-to-date as much as possible with interesting and exciting stories, which I hope there will be a lot of! So keep reading if you're interested in my trip! See ya guys in a couple of months! ^^v


  1. yay nick! I'm so excited for you... don't forget to take lots of pictures =)

  2. Nick I love your blog!!! Great photos!! I check it out every couple of days. Great job. - Uncle Chris.
