Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"It tickles on the inside"

As I write this, the fourth hour of our twenty-three hour flight from Houston to Moscow to Singapore is dawning (Thanks Linden and Nicole for help with the math). Although you would think I wouldn’t have much to say at this point, I’m a man of many words and have a few things to share with you.

First, I want to give a shout out to all the Charlotte kids (people that flew out of Charlotte-Douglas to meet everyone in Houston). We had some hardcore bonding this morning! We all packed into our tiny, little jet and stuck together… unlike the RDU kids who turned on each other and abandon one another while people were going to the bathroom.  We got through all the airports and gates together without a problem! woot woot! We win. ^^

Now I would like to give a shout out to my Geology 101 Lab buddies! George’s amazing teaching provided me entertainment during the Charlotte-Houston flight. Using my geologic detective skills, I was able to identify a stage 2 river by recognizing depositional and erosional features such as oxbow lakes, sinuosity, and valley-channel with rations. Yeah. I’m a nerd. haha. But it made me think of you guys and our fun times realizing that water systems cannot all flow toward one point. Good times.

Next, I want to give a shout out to Justin Bieber! jk… kind of. So Singapore Air has AWESOME amenities- really up-to-date movies, music, and games to watch and play on your personal TV screen. Oh! AND KNITTED SOCKS! :D WHAT AIRLINE DO YOU THAT GIVES YOU KNITTED SOCKS? However, I ignored all this and decided to watch Never Say Never… in Japanese. Needless to say, the plot was pretty straight forward so my lack of understanding the Japanese didn’t present too much of a problem. I’ve moved on now and I’m listening to some pretty cool Cantonese pop (shout out to all my Cantos out there!)

Finally, I’m gonna send a shout out to Linden’s and my new friend Herman Chung. He’s one of our flight attendants. We haven’t actually talked to him yet. And he’s hiding right now… but he’s chill, so we’re his friends. haha. If we end up actually talking to him, I’ll let you know.

Other than that, the flight is going fine and they feed us well and often. That’s all I got. Over and out.

UPDATE: Sorry, I'm writing this part in my room now that I have internet access. So, Herman and I (as well as the whole flight attendant staff) became pretty close. Everyone had fallen asleep, but I couldn't so I went back and talked to them. Herman is pretty cool. He graduated from NUS three years ago with a business management degree. We just talked about random stuff and my trip. Unfortunately they switched staffs for the second half of our trip after we got to Moscow... I sure do miss Herman. The second group wasn't nearly as good as him. Maybe one day we'll meet again. One day. 
I also met this really awesome Singaporean woman on the plane! (She too couldn't sleep so we chilled in the back with the attendants) She moved to America with her husband many years ago, but unfortunately he recently passed away so now she makes visits to Singapore often. We talked about a lot of different cultures and countries. She told me a little about her life, I told her a little about mine. She was a very nice, old Chinese woman. I really enjoy making random friends on the airplane. I hope we meet again as well. One day. haha. 
Also, I dislike Russians now. Their airport was hot and unfriendly and their food was nasty. :( The whole second half of the plane trip was not enjoyable at all. I couldn't sleep and I had been awake for over 24 hours and I didn't eat much. However, IT'S OVER! Time for Singapore!      


  1. Glad you're making new friends. Keep us updated as much as possible. xoxox Krista

  2. YAY, You seem to be having a good time there! How was "Never Say Never?" The most awesomest movie you ever seen, right? ~.^ You really are a nerd for the geo 101 activities, haha. And you should have gotten a pair of socks :P Well have fun and take a bunch of pictures!!! BYE :)
    Angela Hall

  3. We miss you so much but, we're so glad to hear that your making new friends and your having such a great time. Love you,
    Melissa, Amber and Pickle! xoxox
