Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Call me Emperor"

After a delightful day of wondering through Bugis Street with a group of SEASers, Josh, and Tim, I’m taking some time to sit down and contemplate my first week in Singapore. Obviously, any first week in a new, different country will be chalk-full of firsts. I shall take a moment to inform you of some of my firsts.

First gg (first fail if you don’t know what gg means)- After a grueling 25 hour plane flight (not including layover time), we finally made our way to our dorms and Huiqian gave us a tour. By this point, I was already drenched in sweat and exhausted. Mind you, this is only like 7 AM. We’re given an hour or so break to take a shower and clean up. This is when the gg happens. After getting to my room, I realize I never packed a towel. Hm. What to do? I definitely need to take a shower, but I couldn’t just get dressed all wet. Solution: Using a plain, white t-shirt to dry myself. It totally worked, but I felt so stupid. Luckily, I was able to pick up a towel later in the day.

First strange food- Avocado and chocolate milkshake. Delicious. At first it was a little odd, but by the end I was thoroughly enjoying it. That being said, I’ve had some pretty strange and amazing (and not-so-amazing) food since then, but I’ll save those for another post.

Ok. Well, I think I’ll save some other firsts as well! For now, I want to just talk about my week and experiences in general. Amazing. Simply amazing. We’ve basically spent our time exploring and being shown around the city. We’ve been to China Town, Arab Street, Chinese and Japanese gardens, malls, fancy hotels (for bathroom breaks ^^), and just all sorts of random places. It’s been kind of fast paced, but it’s a great way to gain your bearings and get to know the city some.
That being said, it’s killer to get around. The humidity and heat is ridiculous. I feel as though I’m constantly swimming through the air. It is pointless to check to the weather cause it says 60% chance of rain (it means 100%) and 85-90 degrees F every day. You know you’re in Singapore when a cold shower feel like it’s God sent. You also know you’re in Singapore when the shower head is way too low and you have to bend backwards and squat down a little to get your head under it. (Asians are short) Furthermore, you know you’re in Singapore when all the shower gel provides germ protection (random). Ok. That’s all the shower-related comments I have.

Well, I’m about to head out for dinner with a couple of people so that’s all I’ve got for right now. Sorry if it’s kind of random and not very detailed. Now that I’ve kind of caught you up on my trip, I plan on making more detailed posts about some of my experiences and opinions on things like food, the campus, and the culture. Later days! ^^v

P.S. Most of post titles are random things from the trip that you won't understand, but we will. :P 

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