Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Dries vs. The Moists

My first weekend at Singapore was so much fun! I met some really cool people and got to do some really fun stuff! 

The weekend started after class on Friday when Linden, Kerri, and I decided to venture down to Food Junction, one of the NUS cafeterias, for lunch. Now logically you would think I would purchase a non-spicy dish for lunch on such a hot day, right? Well, you’re wrong. I purchased the spiciest bowl of Kim Ramen in my whole life. “It’s just so spicy!” However, we had a very delightful lunch! I even got to skype Polly... and got really strange looks from all the Singaporeans as I showed her around the cafeteria with my laptop. lol. Afterwards, most of us headed over to the Chinese-Japanese gardens.... for 3.5 hours. While the landscaping, bonsai trees, and beautiful traditional buildings were nice at first, it started to drag on after while. Furthermore, it started to rain, which wasn't enjoyable. So, while we waited for some of our friends so we could leave, a group of us started playing zoom, ninja, and some other game. I'm too competitive. Way too competitive. lol. After we all gathered again, we headed over to Arab Street, which was super awesome! We wondered around for a little bit trying to find a good restaurant and eventually we asked a shop keeper what was good around there. He brought us to this little Moroccan place and it was DELICIOUS! I don't even know what I was eating, but it was awesome. The best part was this Iced Moroccan Tea that I got... heaven in my mouth. All of us thought it was the best tea ever. I'm definitely going back there.... maybe just for the tea. To close the night, a group of us went and smoked at a Hookah Bar. Tell me that's not awesome. Chilling in some little room on the second floor of some restaurant chilling and smoking some mint, apple shisha in Singapore.We had some deep conversations. haha.

Saturday started with a monsoon... jk. That was Sunday. Sorry. Saturday started with lunch at a fancy restaurant where we got to meet the people we'll be doing our homestays with. They were all NUS students and reallllly awesome. After eating, we broke up into a 2 or 3 groups and headed out with our newfound Singaporean friends. Our group went to the Singapore Art Museum and it was honestly the best museum I have ever been to before. It was some really interesting and compelling (before proofreading this I had written "complaining" haha)  artwork. It also had an interactive display in which you get to roll around in boobs in order to get in touch with feminine sexuality. Yeah. Pretty awesome. XD Afterwards, we went over to the Dumpling Festival and got to hear some girl sing Lady Gaga, visit a Chinese and Hindu temple, and, best of all, try durian. Watch that link and I'll talk more about it in my post about food. After heading back to the dorm and cleaning up, a group of us went out and found a little 24-hour prata shop and had an awesome time... even though the dog that barked PRIOR TO MY YELL almost got Kerri hit by a car. Finally, later that night, some of us went to meet the NUS students at a club, but after getting slightly lost and walking around Singapore'a banking district for awhile, we got there too late and the line was way too long. Instead we went to Clarke Quay and had a few drinks at a bar. Woot woot! Drinking age is 18!

SUNDAY started with a monsoon... that I somehow managed to sleep through until the very end of it. The lightning was soooo crazy. It feel like it was right outside my window and was soooo loud. Because of that, we cancelled our hiking trip. :( While some people went out shopping, I choose to participate in the studying portion of "studying abroad" and did reading for class. However... that didn't last too long. I had plans to meet AIESEC NUS for dinner so I left early, figured out the bus and MRT(subway) routes, and get myself over to that part of the city all on my own!  I ended up just doing some solo exploring and taking touristy pictures for about 2 hours. It was really nice to just soak it up and feel the city by myself for awhile. I ended up getting asked to take pictures for a lot of people and it was soooo funny what some people did. There's those who just smile in front the landmark, then you have the ones that like to pose, and then you have my favorites- the ones that just stand there doing absolutely nothing and don't smile. lol. So weird. During my travels, I found the Singapore Arts Festival, which was pretty good! There was lots of music and concerts and a karaoke competition (a bunch of old people singing really bad American music). Eventually, I met up with the AIESECers at this Japanese restaurant and got to meet them! They were so much fun and we had a really great time! Not only was it AIESEC NUS, but also two of the EPs that are doing internships in Singapore right now! After getting to know each other at dinner, we went out and took pictures in front of memorials.... Singaporeans have a strange definition of fun I learned.... very strange. :P And finally they cold-heartedly abandoned me and left me for dead. Not sure I'll be hanging out with them anymore. Jk. I knew my way back.

My weekend ended Monday night when some of us met up with Josh and Tim (NUSers) for free-flow alcohol at a bar. Don't worry, Mom. I didn't drink that much and obviously I made it home alright. :)

Well, that's it. Sorry this was so long. I hope it was at least mildly interesting... I feel like it wasn't. >< Sorry. Oh well.


Maybe that just surprised you and made this post more interesting. Well, if you have any questions about Singapore or my adventures, leave a comment! Later days! ^^v 

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