Friday, June 24, 2011

"Hi, I'm Unicornian"

So, as expected, you're gonna see some weird things in Asia. Weird from the perspective of an American. Obviously I don't want to offend anyone. I <3 Asians. But yeah, weird things are gonna be seen. I simply have three things I thought were interesting in increasing weirdness order. Keepin' it short.

1. Escalators without steps. I've always thought that would be a cool idea and I actually saw it here in a Vivo-mart, the Singapore version of Wal-mart. The store is 3 floors high so in order to get your grocery cart between the floors, they designed a escalator with no steps. It was pretty ingenious, but annoying at the same time. It takes much longer than a usual escalator cause you have to get off half way between the floors and turn around. Just like stairs.

2. I can't quite figure it out, but I've see so many ugly guys with really attractive girls here. It doesn't make sense to me. How does this guys get such good looking girls? I should warn you, that's a very inappropriate link. Now, granted, my yellow fever may be lowering my standards for Asian girls, but still, I don't understand how they're doing it. Maybe I should ask for advice....

3. The following thing happened today and is what prompted this post. After a walk through Little India doing interviews for a paper I have due on Monday, I headed back to PGP (my dorm) alone. As I was walking through the MRT station, I noticed the strangest thing. A little, blonde-headed white boy was walking with two little Chinese boys. It doesn't stop there.... cause if it did, that would be a really lame story. Not only was he walking with these Chinese boys... HE WAS TALKING IN CHINESE WITH THEM! I thought it was one of the coolest things ever. They were no more than 10 years old and they were all talking in Chinese. That will be my child one day. One day.

Well, hope you find that interesting. Just want to give you guys a quick update as well! I'll be leaving for Brunei this Sunday. I may or may not have a computer during that time. Not sure yet. In case I don't, here is my schedule. Check! Learning Malay and camping out in the rain forest! How cool is that? Well, that's all I got for today. Peace. ^^v

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick! That's so cool you're traveling around SE Asia, I didn't know! They have those stair-less escalators in Oman too I loved them but I think SE Asia's got them wrong....the ones in Oman didn't have to turn around.
